Think Green
think green - our farm - zero waste - sustainability - renewability - dipnosofistirion catering


At the “Farm” of “Dipnosofistirion”, on a 32-acre area, Nature and Gastronomy come together, revealing the value of sustainability. The 100% organic and almost biodynamic farm supplies edible flowers, vegetables, fruits, eggs, and poultry to both Delta Restaurant and “Dipnosofistirion.”

The idea of the Farm started as a concept and evolved with sustainability as its starting point. The practices implemented leave a positive impact on the environment, prioritizing vegetables and fruits based on the principles of locality and proximity, without encouraging intensive production.

Behind this initiative are Dimitris Chatzidimitriou and his partner Andreas Paxinos, who are always present at the experiential events organized by “Dipnosofistirion” at the farm. During these events, guests are guided through the Farm and participate in activities that bring them into contact with Nature, such as olive harvesting using traditional tools, thus learning the art of olive cultivation from the experts. The day culminates with a meal in the shade of the cypresses, overlooking the tower of Vravrona, where guests savor the flavors prepared with passion by the chefs of “Dipnosofistirion,” under the guidance of Dimitris Skarmoutsos.

farma olives

Dipnosofistirion has adopted a model of work and use of materials that respects both nature’s resources and human needs.We are committed to following the sustainable model in our kitchen, in order to highlight in the consciousness of our customers the importance of sustainability in gastronomy. This happens by following specifications and protocols for environmental protection and zero waste.

This is why we control the quantity of raw materials we order and store depending on the dynamics and the arrival of customers, so that they do not end up in the trash due to overaccumulation and spoilage, but we also make sure that the remnants of the dishes are not thrown in the trash but used as fertilizers to recycle their nutrients.

think green - zero waste - recycling - sustainability - renewability - dipnosofistirion catering
think green - zero waste - environmental responsibility - dipnosofistirion catering

our environmental policy

The company “Dipnosofistirion implements an Environmental Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ELOT EN ISO 14001:2015.

The Management of the Organization makes every effort to ensure that all its human resources adopt the Environmental Management Policy and contribute to the achievement of the overarching goal, the rational use of natural resources, while minimizing the negative impact of its activities on the environment.

our environmental practices

  • We apply the current European legislation as well as the other requirements arising from its operating framework.
  • We monitor, evaluate & prevent any adverse effects from its operation on the environment.
  • We constantly improve its environmental performance by setting appropriate qualitative and quantitative targets.
  • We are constantly reviewing the company’s operating procedures to improve its environmental performance.
  • We develop policies to raise awareness and encourage staff to achieve environmental improvement.
  • We design and implement trainings for staff on environmental issues.
  • We encourage our suppliers to minimize the impact of their operations on the environment, while ensuring through continuous checks that they comply with the standard.
  • We use practices to save available natural resources.
  • We promote the reuse and recycling of materials, where possible, as well as the use of environmentally friendly products.
  • We use environmentally friendly technologies (in food packaging, use of natural gas, etc.)
  • Our suppliers are all approved and certified.
ΑΡ.ΓΕ.ΜΗ: 85251502000
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